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Can I Give More Than One Post-Assessment?

Yes. Within the Transition Readiness Toolkit (TRT), you have the flexibility to administer multiple post-assessments. Each subsequent post-assessment replaces the previous one in calculating change from services.

Providing multiple post-assessments can be beneficial in various scenarios:

  1. Progress Tracking: Offering several post-assessments at different intervals allows for better tracking of progress over time. It helps in understanding the pace and depth of development or changes in skills and readiness for employment.
  2. Intervention Evaluation: Administering post-assessments at different stages of service delivery allows for a critique of intervention effectiveness. Assessing at multiple points in time helps in identifying the impact of interventions introduced at various points during the service period.
  3. Decision-Making: Multiple post-assessments offer clearer insights into service effectiveness, aiding providers in making informed decisions about service continuation, modification, or conclusion.

Remember, each subsequent post-assessment replaces the previous one in calculating the change resulting from services. Therefore, it's important to consider the timing and purpose of each assessment to ensure accurate tracking of the student's progress and the impact of the services provided.