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Definitions of Terms

An organization of users, which can administer itself. Agencies exist in a hierarchical organization, with parent agencies, and child agencies, organized in a tree structure. An agency is synonymous with an Account in the CRM.
A battery of questions administered before and after a service that’s meant to evaluate the effectiveness of the service (e.g. Communication and Social Skills assessment).
Assessment Link
A link that allows for the collection of a single assessment result from a single anonymous participant.
Assessment Result
A response to one of the assessments.
A type of user that has the ability to manage users in their agency, including creating users with the trainee role and blocking (removing) users’ accounts. Managers also have all of the privileges granted to Proctors.
Used interchangeably with Student to describe an individual who has taken an assessment.
Also Provider. A type of user that has the ability to administer assessments and view the results of assessments administered within their agency.
A set of instructions/guidance given to participants, associated with one of our surveys (e.g. Communication and Social Skills). Sometimes used as a proxy for talking about the associated sets of assessments.
A method for administering assessments. Sessions are time-limited and facilitate the collection of assessment results from multiple participants.
Used interchangeably with Participant to describe someone who has taken an assessment.
A type of user that has access to select parts of the web application. A trainee cannot administer assessments or access data views but can access the training materials.
An account on the Transition Readiness Toolkit website. Each user is associated with one agency. See manager, proctor, and trainee.