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Release Notes

Stay up to date with our latest features and improvements.


  • We updated the Data Search table and the Student Access Links table to automatically sort by date, displaying the most recent entries at the top.


  • We removed the options for different lengths of time before assessment codes and links expire. They now last for 28 days by default before being removed.

New Features

  • We added a downloadable version of the Student Profile. To use it, navigate to the Student Profile (Chart View), input a Student ID, and click the "Generate PDF" button.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the error notifications that were triggered when a Student ID was entered on the Student Profile data view.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a problem where some toast notifications (the notifications that appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen) could not be closed.

New Features

  • We added an exact match functionality to the "Data Search" page to make it easier for you to find all the records relating to a single student. To find all the rows that exactly match your input, either press Enter/Return, or click the search button.


  • We changed the session codes so that they never include the following characters: I, 1, 0, and O. This is meant to reduce the possibility of confusion when sharing or using those codes.

New Features

  • We launched a Student Profile data view.
    • This view offers enhanced insights and visualizations for individual student progress.
    • It provides a detailed look at a student’s growth over time, making tracking and supporting their development easier.
    • It includes a chart and a table format, and can be accessed from the Home page, the Data Views page, or by clicking on the icon next to the Participant ID on the Data Search page.


  • To avoid confusion when students complete an assessment via link or session code, we disabled the notification that tells users when they’ve previously submitted an assessment.


  • We changed the default session length to 1 week. For security, we also increased the session codes to 6 characters.
  • We edited the Student Data page to include the full version of the assessment names (instead of just the abbreviation) when a row is expanded.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where the table of Student Links on the Manage Student Access page was not updating when an assessment was completed.


  • We updated the videos embedded on the site to adjust to screen sizes responsively.


  • We resolved an issue preventing some students using the Safari browser from submitting assessments when providers used the session feature.

New Features

  • We added downloadable assessments in nine new languages: Persian, Arabic, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), French, Portuguese, and Spanish. These can be accessed on the Downloadable Assessments page.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that was preventing some managers from inviting new users via the 'Add User' form.

New Features

  • We launched a new API to make it easier to integrate assessment results with case management software systems.

Bug Fixes

  • We resolved an issue that occasionally caused the proctor's information to be missing from the assessment results.


  • We revised the wording of question #14 on the Counseling on Post-Secondary Enrollment assessment to more clearly distinguish it from question #10.


  • We fixed an issue that prevented agency managers from resending invitations to new users and removing users from their agency.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a display issue where individual responses were sorted incorrectly in the Student Data view.
  • Users can now be correctly added to sub-agencies using the "Add User" form.

New Features

  • Managers can now resend email invitations to new users who haven't finished setting up their account.

Bug Fixes

  • The cancel buttons on modals are functioning correctly again.


Bug Fixes

  • There are no longer empty "Pre-Assessment Score" fields beings displayed in the detailed views of the Student Data page.

New Features

  • We added the ability for managers to add new users to child agencies as well as to their own agency.


  • We implemented a new theme!
    • This includes a general overhaul to the appearance of most site elements.
    • This also included some changes to the navigation and layout of the site to make it easier to navigate.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a bug that was preventing shared login accounts from accessing the front page.
  • We fixed a bug that was preventing students from accessing assessments via codes and links.

New Features

  • We added a new front page for trainees that puts more emphasis on the training videos and the training session scheduling pages.


  • We removed the "Persistent Login" item from the "My account" menu.
  • We added formatting to the activation email sent by the system.

Bug Fixes

  • Data visualizations now accurately display data when a single day is selected.
  • The password reset page no longer contains unnecessary line breaks.
  • The "Manage Users" page can now parse CSVs exported from programs like Excel without errors.
  • The correct title is now displayed on the participant ID confirmation page for student access to the Quality of Work-Based Experience Post-Assessment.

New Features

  • We added a User Management functionality for users with the "Manager" role. This feature allows managers to add new users to their agency using their name and email address.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug on password reset pages where the password requirements were not being enforced consistently.
  • Fixed a display bug with the password reset form.


  • We made styling updates to the emails that are automatically sent from our system when users are created.
  • We made language changes on the student access pages.

Bug Fixes

  • Student assessment links no longer remain active after the assessment is completed.
  • Fixed a screen reader issue on the participant ID entry pages.

New Features

  • We added student assessment access options.
    • Created methods for proctors to generate assessment codes and links to be shared with groups or individuals students, respectively.
    • This functionality also allows proctors to name their assessment sessions, delete them, and view results from a specific assessment or session.
    • We began using as a short link for assessment codes and links.


  • We updated the assessments.
    • Removed the smiley faces from the assessments, replacing them with simple buttons with the same text.
    • All reverse-scored questions were replaced with regular-scored versions.
    • Renamed the "Employability" assessment. It is now called "Workplace Soft Skills".


  • We made the front page and help center publicly available.


  • We retired the "Viewer" role.
  • We updated the "Manager" permissions to allow managers to administer assessments.
  • We adjusted the language of the email that informs users of their new account.

New Features

  • We enabled individual logins.
    • Created a process for adding individual users to the site, including updated password requirements and an email invitation to set up a password for a newly created account.
    • Created and implemented new roles: Manager, Viewer, Proctor, and Trainee.
    • Added pages where users can view and edit their account information.
    • Added alerts prompting new users to complete the demographic information section of their account information to gain access to assessments.


  • We made some short-term accessibility improvements to the data visualization pages by adding alt text to the charts and scope attributes to the table headers.